We have a Patreon account where we post chapters as they are written, of whatever project is ongoing at the time. We occasionally host live hangouts for our patrons where we talk about current work or answer questions about any of the work published to date. Please visit our Patreon page at https://www.patreon.com/c/MarkHWandrey.
We wish to extend our thanks to the following folks who have either contributed to our Patreon account or in some other significant way. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
- Cindy Epard
- Mark Morgan
- Dan Walker
- Joel and Mari Lyons
- Chris and Sheellah Kennedy
- Brandi Hinson
- Tom Coonradt
- James Conason
- Seamus Curran
- Keith A Dickinson
- John Moehrle
- Mia Kleve
- Matt Williams
- Alijah Ballard
- Craig Schellenbach
- Doug Curtis
- Horror and Science Fiction Movies
- Jamie Ibson
- Jim Clunie
- John Davies
- Jonny Minion
- Kim Schoeffel
- Richard Ewald
- Robin Stephens
- Elizabeth Byrne Lobdell
- John Galvany
- Darrell Fenn
- Steve Lackey
- Tony Sullivan
- Becky Manes
- James Conason
- Phillip Clark
- Allan MacBain
- John Galvany
- Plorthos
- Phillip Clark
- Harvey Lewis